Old Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6PP

0207 739 6187

Elizabeth Selby Infants' School


Parent Information

News and information to support your work with families: Invitation to the Working with Families Seminar, 2/10/24


Colleagues who work with families  are invited to the next Working with Families Seminar, organised by the Parental Engagement Team on:


Date:  Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Time:   1.30 – 3.45pm (arrival from 1.15pm)

Venue: The Grocers’ Wing, Tower Hamlets Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BJ    


The programme will include:


  • Information on the upcoming National Wraparound Childcare Programme - what this means for schools and families.
  • Information on the borough’s new Cohesion Plan and how professionals and the families you work with can take part in the consultation.
  • Introductions to services that can support your work with families:
    • Find out how Children’s Social Care respond to harm outside the home, with the LBTH Exploitation Team
    • Meet the LBTH Functional Family Therapy Service and find out how they can support the families you work with.
    • Meet the RESET Treatment and Recovery Service Family Support Team, supporting families impacted by substance misuse.


Plus the opportunity to find out about other projects and services (including parenting programmes, courses and workshops delivered by the Parental Engagement Team) to support your work with families and network with colleagues from across the borough.


The seminar is open to colleagues working with families across the borough from the different sectors, including but not limited to the local authority, schools and other education settings, health and the voluntary and community sector.   


Places are limited and booking is required by Monday 30th September 2024.  Email: parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk


Parent & Family Support Service ~ 23rd September 2024


‘The Parent and Family Support Service builds resilience, independence and sustainability in local communities to support early help and is highly valued by the parents involved.’

Tower Hamlets Inspection of Children’s Social Care Ofsted Report 2019


Search the Local Offer for information about services available to children, young people and families in Tower Hamlets. www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/localoffer

 ASDA's Cash pot for Schools

All you need to do is download the Asda Rewards app, opt-in, chose the primary school you want, then shop and scan your app at checkout. Asda will donate 0.5% of your spend to your chosen school.

Please share with your friends and family.


Thank you for all your ongoing support!

Shahi Ahmed

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.




We are currently looking for volunteers to help us with our lunchtime. This is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to our school community and support our children during lunchtime.


If you are interested in volunteering, please collect a volunteer form from the school office at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your continued support!


Best regards,
Shahi Ahmed




Welcome to your monthly Families Matter E-bulletin from the Parent and Family Support Service.


Hear how Healthy Start can support your family

Did you know that you and your child(ren), up to the age of four years, can get free vitamins under the Healthy Start scheme?   

You may also be eligible to get money for healthy food, milk and formula from when you are 10 weeks pregnant until your child is four years old.

Watch a new video with local parents sharing how the Healthy Start scheme has made a difference to their families and how other parents can check their eligibility for the pre-paid Healthy Start card.  You can apply online or with support through your local children and family centre.

More information >


Applying for a nursery or reception school place for September 2024?

To support families with the nursery and reception school application process, the Transition Support Service in partnership with Pupil Services are offering free online advice sessions.



School Applications Advice 4

Let's Talk SEND event success!

Over 75 parents and carers attended the Let's Talk SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) information event held at the Brady Arts and Community Centre earlier this month.

Co-produced with the Tower Hamlets Independent SEND Parent Forum and the Parent and Carer Council, the information marketplace featured various education, health and community organisations who spoke to families about their services.

Parents and carers also heard from senior leaders in Tower Hamlets about the planned improvements to services that support children with SEND and their families.  The presentation shown at the event can be found here.

For more information, email parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk 


Let's Talk SEND information >





 Coffee Morning at school are every Tuesday morning from 9am till 10am. 


Parent & Family Support Service (PFSS) ~ News and information to support your work with families:  Friday update for professionals’ 6th September 2024



New Social Club for men over 50.                                                                                                                          (Please share, see attachment)                                                             


  • Feeling Good Men’s Social Club. We will be providing a space for men to meet new people and talk about issues of importance to them, to take part in activities, learn new things and generally have a positive team.
    The activities will be led by the group so if it’s games or talks or just general chit chat this is the place to be.
  • For more information please email: Iain@sthildas.org.uk 
  • Please see attachment for more information. 


Steps into Fostering course.                                                                                                                                   (Please share attachment with schools & Families)


  • Are you curious about becoming a Foster Carer, but need support with the process?
  • For more details, email: fostering.training@towerhamlets.gov.uk
  • For more information please see attachment.




Triple P for Baby.                                                                                                                                                     (Please share attachment with parents, carers, Schools, and colleagues)                                


  • Are you expecting a baby or are you a new parent with a baby under 12 months?
    Join the triple P for baby programme.
  • For more details or to book your place, emailParenting@towerhamlets.gov.uk 
  • Please see attachment for more information. 




Parenting course for Somali parents.                                                                                                                  (Please share, see attachment)             


  • Course for Somali parents in Tower Hamlets, running from 9th September to 14th October 2024 at Malmsbury Primary School. 
  • The aim of the course is to increase parental self-esteem and confidence, explore strategies to help promote effective behaviour and build positive parent child relationships.
  • Please contact: 020 7364 6398 or email to parenting@towerhamlets.gov.uk to book your place.
  • For more information please see attachment.




TH now special: We need your views to help us improve recycling rates!                                              (Please share this survey with families, colleagues and staff)


Community Navigator recruitment.                                                                                                                      (Please share, see attachment)             

  • Do you have a good knowledge of communities in Tower Hamlets? Are you passionate about engaging with local residents and supporting them to improve their health and wellbeing? As a Community Navigator you will link residents to a range of health, wellbeing, and advice services, acting as a trusted point of contact for residents and the community groups that work with them. You need the ability to deal sensitively, politely, and confidentially with anxious, emotionally stressed, and vulnerable clients. You will develop strong partnerships with a range of statutory, voluntary and community organisations, give presentations to groups, collect community insight and support community engagement generally across the Public Health division. 
  • Check out the job description and person specification for further information. To apply please follow the application link and submit your application before the closing date on 19th September 2024. Interviews will be held the week commencing Monday 30th September. 
  • If you wish to find out more about this post, please contact Mimi Coultas, Public Health Programme Manager for Healthy Communitiesmimi.coultas@towerhamlets.gov.uk 
  • For more information please see attachment.







Parent & Family Support Service (PFSS) ~ Friday 6th September 2024 


‘The Parent and Family Support Service builds resilience, independence and sustainability in local communities to support early help and is highly valued by the parents involved.’ 

Tower Hamlets Inspection of Children’s Social Care Ofsted Report 2019


To find out more about the work of the Parent and Family Support Service visit: www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/parentfamilysupport 

Search the Local Offer for information about services available to children, young people and families in Tower Hamlets. www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/localoffer






We are so passionate about getting as many children fit, active and healthy as possible. 

Parents can book online for a funded space by going to - 



Parents who are not eligible for a funded space can book a paid space at - 



We would absolutely love for you to help us in our goal of getting as many local children active and healthy this winter. If you could please send it to your families we would be extremely grateful.


Have a lovely week.


Kindest regards,


Billy Densham 

SSS Education Group LTD

This cyberbullying guide that provides parents and teachers with valuable tips for keeping our kids safe online: https://www.wizcase.com/blog/a-comprehensive-cyberbullying-guide-for-parents/

Please use the article  so that more parents can learn how to protect their kids online.

I hope we can build a safer internet for everyone,

Other languages for posters and leaflets can be found here:

Flu vaccination for children: leaflets and posters - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Schools Vaccination website: School Vaccinations UK. You can find the e-consent form here and a number and email for contacting LBTH school vaccination team, for any specific questions.


NHS Flu vaccinations for children –Video links

English: https://youtu.be/cI2eYPEIcCU

Turkish: https://youtu.be/-sFb44UYjGs

Romanian: https://youtu.be/05eDpnECvks

Spanish: https://youtu.be/AgJq7aGv5qY

Panjabi: https://youtu.be/p40yw42YxGA

Bengali: https://youtu.be/_S12zhCCn2Y

Polish: https://youtu.be/XeXBbLt6kiU


‘ShareGoodTimesNotFlu’ website would be good for your website: UK Child Flu vaccination programme | Share good times not flu


Adults can book a free vaccination if eligible: Book or manage a free NHS flu vaccination at a pharmacy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Search for a pharmacy (For adults to book a Flu Vaccine) Find a pharmacy that offers the NHS flu vaccine - NHS - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

We are running clinics in Tower Hamlets for any children that may have missed the opportunity to receive the flu vaccination at school.  

from our Clinical Director, this is to combat the misinformation around Group A strep and the flu vaccine.



Applying for a nursery or reception school place for September 2024?

To support families with the nursery and reception school application process, the Transition Support Service in partnership with Pupil Services are offering free online advice sessions.


School Applications Advice >



Please do NOT idle your vehicle engines outside our school gates. When crossing roads, please be mindful of traffic around the area. 

Attendance Guidance

The DfE has issued some guidance for parents  on non-attendance for mild illness as well as a reminder of their guidance on non-attendance on mental health grounds.

There is also advice from the Royal College of General Practitioners on the role of the GP in promoting good attendance, particularly the 5 principles they are recommending GPs adhere to.  

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