Old Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6PP

0207 739 6187

Elizabeth Selby Infants' School

School uniform


The school uniform at Elizabeth Selby is strongly encouraged.  Elizabeth Selby sells sweatshirts and book bags with the school logo.

  • Dark coloured trousers or skirts
  • Polo shirts (white) with the school emblem *
  • Light blue jumpers, sweatshirts and cardigans school emblem *

In the summer, boys may wear dark coloured shorts and girls may wear a sundress (gingham checked in blue).




Sports Kits

  • White t-shirt
  • Dark coloured shorts, tracksuit pants or leggings
  • Trainers or plimsoles (outdoor P.E. only) 


For swimming sessions, children should pack swimming trunks or costumes, a swimming hat, towel and goggles